Monday, April 11, 2022

d6 No-Hands Character Concepts

It's that time again--secret jackalope! Magos of the Mind#1349 wants "Beyond Humanoid: or guidance for playing something without hands I guess. Can be something like the "Really Good Dog"* glog class or something more original/alien."

We take it for granted that we have two average human hands. You can eat a sandwich, fold your clothes, and stare at your smartphone for much more time than is necessary with typical hands. Take those away, and you get all sorts of curious different conceptions of everyday ambulation and motor control. 

So what do you do without hands? Are you like Zacian, from Generation VIII Pokemon, who is a superpowered dog that holds a straight-up legendary sword in its mouth? That is, admittedly, quite rad.

1. You have four legs but your mouth and jaws are very strong and adaptable. 
    Perk: You can treat your mouth and jaws like prehensile appendages. 
    Flaw: Try conducting business or conversation with a sword in your mouth.

2. You rely on telekinesis to move objects rather than using hands.
    Perk: Anything typically liftable by hand can be moved by your mind.
    Flaw: You have a disastrous time differentiating what is and what isn't your body.

3. You do have prehensile appendages, but your legs are swapped with your arms.
    Perk: You are unexpectedly dextrous in ways that confuse your opponents.
    Flaw: The vast majority of created spaces are not designed for your ambulation.

4. You walk on all fours (or sixes, etc) but you're outfitted with clockwork appendages.
    Perk: You combine your animal speed and agility with delicate motor functions.
    Flaw: Without your rig (which is heavy and fragile) you're just an animal.

5. You don't have two hands, sure, but you do have a thousand tiny squiggly feelers.
    Perk: Your grip is inescapable and you can scale any angle or surface.
    Flaw: Your pace is slow and if you're flipped over you become very vulnerable.

6. You don't have hands because you can change your form to slick, hardy slime.
    Perk: You can squeeze into any opening, hang out in a bottle, and more.
    Flaw: While a slime, you are weak to sunlight, fire, ice, strong drafts, and plumbing.

Now, this is a really fascinating question and had my mind racing as I wrote up the more simply d6 options above. Consider the implications of sapient species without typical human ambulation or prehensality. We're talking about radically-other conceptions of how architecture, technology, and culture interact with an embodied person. How many phrases and gestures and assumptions do we naturally interalize without thinking which regard this sort of everyday expectation? "The right hand of fellowship," or "the sinister left hand," or "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," etc. Idioms notwithstanding, this is great brain-fuel for me as I conceive of non-human (and really, non-humanoid) NPCs and personalities.

*Now, I'd argue there are no ontological grounds to assign "good" to a soulless dog, but I get the popular sentiment, all the same.


  1. Wonderful! Its everything I hoped for and more.

  2. Some really creative ideas here! Makes me want to play.
