Monday, October 4, 2021

d66 Star Wars Background Loadouts Adapted from Edge of the Empire

Like I did for Cairn via Old School Essentials, I've adapted here thirty-six backgrounds selected from the greater Edge of the Empire RPG for use in general Star Wars games (specifically, for my purposes, Galaxy Far Away). If using the latter, follow character creation as normal, including random starting items, but also roll d66 (or choose) to determine a background with a unique beginning loadout. The background is a narrative "career" of sorts and should inform gameplay, but its not a shackle and obviously you can go and pew pew (or not) to your choosing. There are no mechanics or modifiers or any such thing tied to the items listed here. It's all keywords and interpretation. Flavor, yo.

Obi-Wan gets it.

Roll 2d6. The ones place is the first digit and the tens place is the second digit. Or choose as you like.

11. Archaeologist
- Utility vest
- Animal hide whip
- Climbing gear
- Excavation kit
- Hand scanner
- Long-range comlink

12. Assassin
- Thermal cloak
- Stealth-2VX dart pisol
- Neurotoxin darts 4x
- Lock-picking tools
- Filament garrote
- Antidote set

13. Big-Game Hunter
- Arctic/Desert/Jungle camoflage
- Czerka FS-1 Farshot rifle
- Field dressing kit
- Chem lure
- Sonic mines 2x
- XV-20 veterinary kit

14. Bounty Hunter
- Flak vest
- DT-29 heavy blaster pistol
- Stimstick
- Stun cuffs
- Wrist lasso
- Stun grenades 2x

15. Colonist
- Padded clothing
- Portable moisture evaporator
- Field medpac
- Musical instrument
- Multitool hammer
- Glow rods 4x

16. Commando
- Old laminate armor
- DH-17 carbine rifle
- Bowie knives 2x
- Weapon maintenance kit
- Field rations 4x
- Comlink backpack

21. Demolitionist
- Utility vest
- Mk 4 Heavy frag grenades 2x
- Ion grenades 2x
- Refined detonite (1/2lb) 
- Survey remote
- Multispanner

22. Diplomat
- Fine robes
- A/V translator
- Holo-messenger
- Datapad (Species)
- Datapad (Etiquette)
- Pheramonal breath-mints

23. Driver
- Flashy sport coat
- 57-D speeder bike
- Light blaster pistol
- Collar-Amp speaker
- Security spike
- Backpack

24. Droid Tech
- Mechanic's coveralls
- Mouse droid
- Astromech parts
- Restraining bolts 2x
- Lubricant gun
- Welding rod

25. Enforcer
- Padded jumpsuit
- Z2 stun baton
- Brass knuckles
- Holdout blaster pistol
- Holo-scanner
- Pack of deathsticks

26. Entrepreneur
- Glitzy jacket
- Hotshot pistol
- Datapad (Mercantile)
- Datapad (Insider's Scoop)
- Samples of exotic fruit
- Prototype consumer widgets

31. Explorer
- Leather overalls
- Vibroknife
- Powered binoculars
- Low-feedback scanner
- Free-range remote
- Datapad (hyperlanes)

32. Fringer
- Crash suit
- Bowcaster
- Security spike
- False credentials
- Earbud comlink
- Astrogation chart

33. Gambler
- Holdout blaster pistol
- Shiny leather vest
- Chance cube
- Chance cube (loaded)
- Sabacc deck
- Stimstick

34. Gunslinger
- Modded heavy blaster pistol
- Sporting blaster pistol
- Broad-rimmed hat
- Flash grenades 2x
- Stimstick
- Boot knife

35. Heavy
- OK-98 blaster carbine
- Full battle armor
- Earbud commlink
- Field rations
- Studded gauntlets
- Big knife

36. Hired Gun
- Stun blade 
- SE-14R repeating pistol
- Blast vest
- Long-range commlink
- Flare pistol
- Black pill (poison)

41. Marshal
- Buzz baton
- Q4 Quickfire pistol
- Riot armor
- Light flak shield
- Military medpac
- Stun cuffs

42. Martial Artist
- Balanced pole
- Throwing daggers 2x
- Free movement robes
- Datapad (leisure and curios)
- Datapad (species)
- Exotic whisky

43. Mechanic
- SH-9 slugthrower pistol
- Light field vest
- Landspeeder engine
- Butterbug droid parts
- Fusion cutter
- Power storage battery

44. Medic
- Armored clothing
- Personal ion shield
- Survivalist kit
- Nullicane cartidges 4x
- Blood scanner
- Traumapac 2x

45. Mercenary Soldier
- Vibrosword
- Standard blaster rifle
- Stun discharge pack
- Medpac 2x
- Insulated gauntlets
- Clearance documents

46. Outlaw Tech
- Restraining bolts 2x
- Field computer console
- Code cylinder
- Decoy buoy remote
- Chem lure
- Repulsor clamp

51. Performer
- Exciting pants
- Quality musical instrument
- Instamist generator
- Chance cube
- Spotlight remote
- Glitzy commlink

52. Pilot
- Operator's coveralls
- Light blaster pistol
- Attractive shades
- Macrobinoculars
- Thermal cloak
- Lucky charm

53. Rigger
- Shock prod
- Quickfire pocket pistol
- Heavy jumpsuit
- Rivet gun
- Repulsor clamp
- Breaching gel

54. Scholar
- Smart casual jacket
- Cheap holdout blaster
- Budget protocol droid
- Specimen container 2x
- Datapad (conceptual sciences)
- Datapad (fine art)

55. Scoundrel
- Subtle clothing
- XL-2 "Flashfire" holdout blaster
- Pocket smokebomb 2x
- Switchblade knife
- False ID
- Security spike

56. Scout
- Vibroaxe
- Mk 1 Saberdart pistol
- Camo-poncho
- Long-range commlink
- Portable generator
- Climbing gear

61. Slicer
- Ion pistol
- Signal sweeper
- Comm jammer
- Privacy-7 audio curtain
- Data spike 2x
- Security spike 2x

62. Smuggler
- Heavy stun pistol
- Nondescript coat
- Flashbang 2x
- Weak truth serum
- Convincing manifests
- "Skeleton" code cylinder

63. Strategist
- Vibrorapier
- Dress uniform
- Secure holonet link
- Diplomatic clearance docs
- Datapad (capital ships)
- Comm jammer

64. Survivalist
- E-2 sniper rifle
- Scanner goggles
- Fiend dressing kit
- Field medpac
- Hand-crank charger
- Riding tack

65. Technician
- M-31 Palm Stunner
- Pocketed coveralls
- Mechanical servo arm
- Compact welding kit
- Fusion lantern
- Data spike 2x

66. Trader
- Holdout stun pistol
- Flamboyant apparel
- Business charter 2x
- Crate of Corellian whisky
- Parcel of luxury widgets
- Holo wrist-watch